Discover the unique character of post-industrial Katowice with licensed Katowice Guide, who knows the secrets and history of the city, its museums, tourist attractions and places worth visiting. City walks for groups, families and individual tourists available. You will be able to admire the icons of Katowice such as our UFO-shaped sports arena called “Spodek”, the Silesian Theatre, neogothic Saint Mary’s Church, the Silesian Parliament Building, the unique Nikiszowiec estate, but also small “gems” like amazing courtyards, Art Nouveau tenements, Silesian gnomes called “bebok”, murals, neons.
Depending on your interests, several sightseeing routes are suggested. They will take from 2 to 4 hours, other options available on request. If you have your own transport, elements of different routes might be combined.
- Katowice in a nutshell – architecture, culture and people – A walk showing the transformation of Katowice – from a small village to an industrial 19th-century German city, which became the capital of Polish Upper Silesia in 1922. From the main city of Black Silesia to a modern centre of science, business, music and art. We will admire the first churches built in the city, Art Nouveau tenement houses and examples of modernism, modern Culture Zone and the cosmic landmark of Katowice called “Spodek”.
- Historic Miners’ Housing Estates – Nikiszowiec or Giszowiec – Designed by Georg and Emil Zillmann, over a hundred-year-old patronage residential districts for miners, famous for their extraordinary architecture, history and a unique atmosphere. Brick Nikiszowiec, still inhabited by miners’ families, attracts artists, filmmakers, photographers and tourists. Giszowiec – a housing estate like a garden. that looks best in the spring, when flowers and magnolias bloom.
- Katowice – UNESCO Creative City of Music – A walk in the footsteps of famous musicians and spots related to music. We will see the Academy of Music, the seat of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, “Spodek”, the Silesian Philharmonic, music clubs. Do you know any musicians who lived or created their music in Katowice? There are lots of them and they represent different kinds of music.
- The Trail of Murals and Neon Signs – Street Art – the most interesting murals and neon signs in Katowice. By the way, have you heard that in the 1970s the city of Katowice illuminated with neon lights was compared to Las Vegas? You will see examples of murals commemorating famous people or being unique works of art – e.g. the murals by Raspazjan, Mona Tusz, Marek Grela and Marta Piróg, known as the “Czary Mury” group.
- The Modernist Architecture Trail – A walk along the Route of Modernism including the most interesting buildings in Katowice built in the inter-war period – from the seat of the Silesian Parliament and Katowice Radio to the Cathedral with a viewpoint, Art Deco Church of St. Casimir and the first Polish skyscraper, thanks to which the city is called the Polish Chicago.
Christ the King Cathedral The Silesian Parliament Building - A Ghost Walk – Known and unknown stories about people who have passed away and places that have gone down in history. During the walk, we will also meet Silesian beboks (gnomes, bogeymen), discover their meaning and listen to some stories of mysterious crimes and unusual events from the past.
“Rajza” (The Traveller) “Florka” at the Flower Market Square
Check availability
On request, we can also organize other trips:
- The Culinary Trail – you will learn what “gumiklyjzy”, the “Silesian classic”, “Silesian maczanka” are, learn about regional desserts like “szpajza” or “Spodek” and find out where to eat them. The trip including tasting traditional Silesian dishes requires an advance payment for the meals and guided tour (from 400 PLN/100 EUR pp.).
- Katowice in the Communist Era with a visit to the unusual museum where you can travel in history, the Silesian Centre for Freedom and Solidarity

- Green Katowice – on foot or by bike (parks and forests cover over 40% of the city area).
Starting point of the tour: Market Square – Stanisław Wyspianski Silesian Theatre or pick-up from the train station or the hotel.
Orders by email, by phone/ whatsapp +48 609 811 722 or via the booking form.